Beaver Area Education Foundation Mini-Grant Program
Mini-Grant Program
The Beaver Area School District Education Foundation is excited and proud to announce the annual Mini-Grant Program for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The Foundation Mini-Grants are meant to stimulate new ideas and learning opportunities, focusing on academic growth and community enrichment. Successful applications should provide a creative and novel experience for students, promote educational growth and enhancement in the classroom, involve students in classroom or community experiences that are not typically funded by the school district, and have the potential to be sustained over several academic years. Projects are to be completed in one year from award date, so it is important that the goals and objectives of proposals are obtainable in that time frame.
To be eligible, teachers and staff must be employed at one of the Beaver Area School District academic buildings and students must be in grades 9 to 12 and in good academic-standing. Students must have a teacher or staff sponsor that meets the above eligibility.
Students in grades 11 or 12 who successfully complete a Mini-Grant Project will be further eligible for a scholarship at graduation.
The Foundation will sponsor up to $25,000 total over the academic year between teachers/staff and students.
Individual students are eligible for up to $1,000 grant and a group of students up to $2,000. Individual teachers or staff are eligible for up to $2,500 and a group of teachers or staff up to $5,000.
Grants will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed by Trustees of the Educational Foundation on the third Friday of September, March, and May of the academic year. Grants will be reviewed, judged, and approved within one month and in the event an applicant is awarded a mini-grant, funds will be distributed from the Foundation directly to the teacher, staff, or sponsor. Applications will be accepted until the yearly $25,000 grant total has been met. Projects will need to be completed in one year from award date.
Awardees will be required to submit a final and comprehensive financial report at project completion. Any monies not used will be returned to the Foundation at that time.
Please note, funding will not be provided for the following:
Field trips or speakers that are not an integral part of the project and its academic objectives.
Food or transportation.
Equipment or routine supplies that are not specifically described as being integral to the project and not otherwise available from the school, classroom, or school line-item budgets.
Capital improvements.
The above items will only be considered if the need is explicitly stated in the proposal, citing reasons and research as to why said items are supportive of the goals and objectives of the overall project. The Foundation will not award funds for the above without supportive documentation.